
H0 Bausatz - Scrap Yard Tires Scrap Pile

H0 Bausatz - Scrap Yard Tires Scrap Pile

WA933-3637RPCT2Artikel auf LagerWird geliefert in 2-3 Tagen
16.48 €8.24 €[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Cornerstone Series(R) Scrap Yard Detail (Painted 1-Piece Resin Casting)
Tires Scrap Pile
Walthers Part # 933-3637, p. 402 Walthers 2012 HO Scale Reference
HO scale

Scrap yards, the steel industry and economic markets are closely linked. The demand, and the price paid for scrap governs how long a yard will store or how quickly it sells its scrap. If demand or prices are low for any product, volumes for that product build up and the piles get high. When demand and prices rise, stored volumes are sold off quickly to generate a profit. Washington Salvage Scrap Yard is actually two businesses - an auto salvage business and a scrap business.
Washington Salvage Scrap Yard includes unpainted plastic kits and ready-to-use cast resin details.
The plastic kits are easy to assemble and come with complete instructions. Cast resin details are one-piece hand-painted castings with no assembly needed.
By law scrap yards are not allowed to accept any railroad scrap so only a special few cater to railroads. It's not uncommon to find boxcars, tank cars, flatcars, gondolas and occasionally parts of locomotives in various states of deconstruction in these yards. This hand-painted one piece cast resin detail is a perfect starting point for building a detailed scene outside a railcar repair building, wheel shop or specialized rail dismantling yard.
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